Lent Gatherings at the Manse, 7.30pm, 26th February & 4th March
Lent Gatherings at the Manse, 7.30pm, 26th February and 4th March, 7.30pm: This year’s two Lent Gatherings will look at the 2019 novel, The Road to Grantchester by James Runcie. Runcie has written six Grantchester Mysteries following the life and times of Sydney Chambers, full time vicar, part time solver of murders and mysteries. Some of the novels have been turned into a television series.
The Road to Grantchester is a prequel to the series, telling the story of how Sydney fought in World War Two, and how he eventually came to faith and entered ministry in the Church of England. The character of Sydney Chambers is loosely based on James Runcie’s father Robert Runcie, who served as a second lieutenant in the Scots Guards, and later as a Tank Commander, during World War Two; he went on to become Archbishop of Canterbury.
There are four parts to the book, War and Peace, then, Faith and Love. Over two separate evenings we’ll discuss two sections and see what questions, challenges and insights they raise. Refreshments will be served from around 7pm with discussion starting at 7.30pm.
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