New CollecTin device
Last year the Church of England introduced contactless giving in several dioceses as an additional means of enabling congregations to make donations to their church in an easy way. The introduction of contactless terminals has been deemed a great success in many Churches as we move to an increasingly cashless society.
The Church of Scotland is now considering the introduction of contactless giving across Scotland and the Presbytery of Edinburgh is about to conduct a 3-month trial of contactless giving devices in a few selected congregations within the Presbytery. Morningside Parish Church has been chosen to take part in this trial, with Presbytery covering the costs of the trial, and if we wish to proceed with it after the trial we will be able to keep it as a permanent feature within the Church.
Contactless giving is NOT intended to replace traditional means of giving such as Free Will Offering, Standing Orders, and the Open Plate but it will be useful for those times when members and visitors wish to make a donation to the Church and have no cash with them but do have a debit or credit card to tap on the front of the device like in shops.
It could also be useful for organisations using our Halls in future who may wish to make donations towards the upkeep of the Church.
Please look out for the “CollecTin” device in the coming weeks.
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