Coronavirus – events and groups information and cancellations
The Church is now closed: The Church Office is being monitored remotely by the Church Administrator who will still respond to phone calls and emails. A security and property check is being maintained around the building.
Here are the events and activities suspended or cancelled; this is the current list, and we will keep this under review.
Sunday team duty and coffee rotas have been suspended for the time being.
Choir has been suspended for the time being.
Sunday Club and Crèche have been suspended for the time being.
Church Flowers. There will be no further deliveries of Church flowers on Sunday for the time being. We will return to the normal rota of flower displays in due course.
Baby and Toddler Groups. The Monday and Wednesday Baby and Toddler Groups have been suspended for the time being.
Boys’ Brigade and Girls’ Association, Rainbows, Brownies, Guides, Beavers, Cubs and Scouts have been suspended for the time being.
Wednesday Coffee Morning has been suspended for the time being.
Men’s Wednesday Club has been suspended for the time being.
Music and Memories in Morningside. The Music and Memories in Morningside events have been suspended for the time being.
Nursing Homes – Church Services. Church services in Ashley Court, Cluny Lodge and Morningside Manor have been discontinued for the time being.
Friends of Morningside AGM 26th April. The AGM is cancelled and will be rescheduled in due course.
Kirk Session Meeting, 12th May. The meeting is cancelled.
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