Music and Memories
A dementia friendly musical workshop for those living with dementia and their carers.
We usually run twice a month, once on a Friday afternoon 2-4pm and once on a Monday afternoon 2-4pm until July 2024 when we move to Mondays only (up to three times a month). You are welcome to attend any of these groups meeting in the Cluny Hall. Each group can offer 16 places.
We start each afternoon with an hour long music workshop led by the Forget Me Notes charity providing a chance to sing familiar and much loved songs, hopefully enhancing communication and offering opportunities to share memories. The teas and coffees will be on offer, a chance to relax and chat with others and in time, as the project develops, we hope to offer signposting to useful information and other services.
There is no charge for the group but donations are very welcome and help towards the group’s longer term sustainability.
If you are interested in attending please come along or for more information contact Jacqui Lindsay on the number or email below,
Tel: 07834 364 628
Dates for 2024
January: Monday 8th Friday 26th
February: Monday 5th Friday 23rd
March: Monday 4th Friday 22nd
April: Monday 8th Friday 19th Monday 29th
May: Monday 13th Friday 31st
June: Monday 10th Friday 28th
July: Monday 8th Monday 22nd
August: Monday 12th Monday 26th
September: Monday 2nd Monday 16th Monday 23rd Monday 30th
October: Monday 7th Monday 14th *** Monday 21st
November: Monday 4th Monday 11th Monday 25th
December: Monday 9th Monday 16th (Christmas Party)
*** Visit from Nigel’s All Stars, Traditional Scottish Music Group Mon 14 Oct., date TBC ***