Edinburgh Clothing Store Weekend, Saturday 16th & Sunday 17th November 2024

Saturday 16th November – Coffee Morning

The Edinburgh Clothing Store (Charity Number SC039409) is holding its 12th annual Coffee Morning – with a variety of stalls – on Saturday 16th November from 10.00am-12noon. It has once again been decided to hold the event in the Sanctuary of Morningside Parish Church. Coffee and cream scones will be served, as before, at tables in the centre of the Sanctuary with Stalls at the front and at the sides. Everyone agrees that it is lovely to appreciate the beauty of the interior of the Sanctuary and it is much easier to move around.

Tickets priced £5 for adults and £2 for children can be bought from ECS helpers or at the door.

All the volunteers who run the Clothing Store want this to be another huge success as the numbers of clients referred for help have increased yet again. At the same time inflation has increased our running costs with items of clothing which require to be bought costing significantly more. We, therefore, have to make this event a huge success.

Please come to meet up with friends from across the city, and help us to make this event both very enjoyable and very successful

Sunday 17th November – Gift Service

By popular demand the Gift Service at 10.30am is once again to be for the Edinburgh Clothing Store. Every year the congregation has been amazingly generous in its donations to the Clothing Store. We have been extremely grateful for the generosity which has been shown both by the donations of new clothes for children and donations of money which have allowed us to buy items which are in short supply.

Due to the increase in the cost of living many more people are wearing their clothes for longer and many are selling their good quality clothes online. This has had a detrimental effect on the amount of second-hand clothes which have been donated over the past year. We are therefore having to buy more to meet the continuing need of children who are living in abject property in our city. Again, the number of children has increased and there is a desperate need for warm winter clothing.

On the two Sundays prior to the 17th November labels will be laid out on two tables at the back of the church. Each label will have an item of clothing and the age of the boy or girl to whom this item will go. If you would like to give a gift, we are offering 4 options:

Option 1 – Please take one or more labels  

                         Buy an appropriate item or items

                         Attach the label or labels

                Bring on Sunday 17th November to the tables below the pulpit before the 10.30am service

                        PLEASE DO NOT WRAP YOUR GIFTS

Option 2 – If you cannot come to church on 17th November but can on the 10th November please bring your gift(s) to the box below the elders’ pigeon holes.

Option 3 – If you cannot come to church on either Sunday contact Fiona Gossip who is once again very kindly willing to collect items from your home. She can be contacted on 07850 338 908 in November from Monday – Friday between  10.00 am and 6.00 pm or e mail her at fiona.gossip@outlook.com

Your generosity has made a huge difference in the past and the children

Are always so excited to receive new clothes they really need. This year,   as ever, there is a huge need. Thank you so much in anticipation.

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