Morningside Hope events in March

Morningside Hope is the Church’s dementia friendly programme

Music and Memories – 2-4pm, workshops for those with dementia and their partners/carers. The next workshops will be on Mondays 17th March and 7th April.

Heart for Art workshops for those with dementia and their partners. Held every Tuesday in the St Matthew Hall, 11am – 1pm.

Gentle Exercise Class – 2-4pm, Monday 24th March in the Church.

Games Afternoon – 2-4pm, Wednesday 19th March in Braid Hall.

Morningside Hope Dementia Friendly Concert, Saturday 29th March at 2pm. Morley Whitehead, Organist and guest soloist, Caroline Trutz. Open to everyone, the concert  will last approximately 45 minutes. There will then be the opportunity to enjoy teas and coffees afterwards, in the hall. Entry is by donation. We very much hope you can join us at what promises to be another excellent concert. 

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