Advent evenings at the Manse, 5th and 12th December

Advent Gatherings at the Manse

Two reflections evenings in Advent at the manse this year, both at 7.30pm (refreshments beforehand)

5th December – we will look at the Song of Mary, the Magnificat, Luke 2:46-55, and the ‘Jesus Manifesto’, Luke 4:16-19, and think about what these words speak into this time of General Election, and what your own ‘manifesto’ might be for the future.

12th December – we will look at this popular Arabic Carol from Jerusalem, and some of the questions it raises.

On the Eve of Christmas

 On the Eve of Christmas                Hatred will vanish

On the Eve of Christmas                The earth will flourish

On the Eve of Christmas                War will be gone

On the Eve of Christmas                Love will be born

When we offer a glass of water to a thirsty person

            It is Christmas

When we clothe a naked person with a gown of love

            It is Christmas

When we wipe the tears from weeping eyes

            It is Christmas

 When the spirit of revenge dies in me

            It is Christmas

            When in my heart I no longer want to stay apart

It is Christmas

            When I am buried in the being of God

                        It is Christmas

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