Cub Scouts

Cubs is the second section of the Scouting movement, originally started in 1916 for younger brothers who wanted a ‘look-in’. In nearly a century, the section has constantly evolved and adapted its programme and methods to meet the changing needs of each generation of young people.
Cub Scouts are young people aged between 8 and 10½ who make up the second section of the Scouting family, between Beavers and Scouts. Under some circumstances, Cub Scouts can join the Pack as young as 7½ if, for example, they have friends joining at the same time, or are mature enough to move on early from Beavers, (and there is space in the Pack). Such decisions are taken by Cub and Beaver Scout leaders.

There is one Cub pack that meet at Morningside Parish Church on Thursday evenings:

The 25th Braid Scout group from 6.15pm till 7.30pm

Contact:                  (Jacky Ingram)

The 103rd Cub Scout Pack meet on Thursday evenings from 6.45pm to 8.15pm at South Morningside School.