Harvest Foodbank Collection 2024

Harvest Foodbank Collection 2024

For many years our Church has been supporting the Blythswood Care SE Edinburgh Foodbank, based at Southhouse Broadway. Throughout the year, donations can be placed in the container beneath the pigeonholes in the Braid corridor, but our biggest effort in contributing to the Foodbank’s work is directed towards donating foodstuffs and toiletries at the Harvest Service, to be held this year on 29th This year there is a particular shortage of the following items, so donations of these goods would be particularly welcome – tinned meat, fruit, tomatoes, custard and rice pudding, cartons of fruit juice and UHT semi-skimmed milk and toilet rolls. The Foodbank also requires plastic bags, into which the goods for the clients are placed, so donations of these would also be appreciated. Please hand in any donations at the Braid Hall immediately before the 10.30am Service.

The Foodbank cannot accept fresh fruit or vegetables or jars of homemade jam. Also, please do remember when donating any items that they must be in date. If you would prefer to make a financial donation to allow the Foodbank to make its own purchases, cash can be handed in to the Foodbank at 47 Southhouse Broadway, EH17 8AS between 10am-1.30pm Monday, Tuesday and Thursdays.

For online donations please go to blythswood.org/donate-to-foodbank.

In the past, the congregation has always responded so positively to this appeal and so thank you in advance for your continued generosity this year.

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