Financial Support for the Church’s ongoing work – a cyclist offers!
We are genuinely grateful to everyone who has been able to keep up with their regular giving through Standing Order or by using the donate button on this website. We aim to meet our obligations to pay our staff, maintain our property, and equally important to support the wider work of the Church of Scotland through our Ministry and Mission contribution. This contribution helps churches less fortunate than ours in Scotland and beyond to keep their work going, and also contributes to CrossReach, the Church’s social care agency, which supports some of the most vulnerable people in our society.
Church members who give using either the white Gift Aid envelopes or the blue Free Will Offering envelopes can send the monies they have set aside to Euan Murray, our Free Will Offering, and Gift Aid Convener. These can be sent or handed in to:
Euan Murray
52 Craiglockhart Terrace
Edinburgh EH14 1XH.
Euan is an avid cyclist and is completely willing to collect contributions (with appropriate social distancing!) from your home. Telephone him on 07702 092174 to arrange this.
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