Remembering Service, 3pm Sunday 7th November
These last months have been very difficult in so many ways, but particularly for those who have had to deal with a bereavement. Our Church has held different services like the Blue Christmas one, and a Remembering Service on the Sunday after Easter. For obvious reasons we’ve not been able to hold these for some time.
The special Remembering Service is for everyone who has had a bereavement and not been able to have a service at church, who had to cope with severe restrictions on attendances at funeral services, or who in some way has found these months of loss and sadness particularly difficult to bear. Others will have had anniversaries of bereavements that they were not able to commemorate in the way they would have liked.
Our Remembering Service is open to everyone in the Church and in the wider community who would like to come and sit quietly at this simple, reflective service which will last for around half an hour. During the service there will be a prayer where the first names only of those who have died since our last Remembering services will be read out. If you have someone you would like to have mentioned in this way, please let the Minister know. Just the first name please! There will also be an opportunity to write names on stars and attach them to our Remembering tree. Please let friends, neighbours and family know that the service is taking place and invite them to attend if they would like.
We hope to serve tea and coffee after the service.
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